It's been a year now since my stint in the Air Force Reserve ended and I have to say I haven't missed my monthly trips to Richmond, KY once. :)
It's also been a year now since the Lord started calling me towards church planting. Of course things have changed over the course of the last year and I'm going to use this post to catch up on where I'm at now. I'll start with Ann Arbor. The vast majority of permanent A2 residents (A.K.A. non college students.) are in their early 50's and up. After a lot of prayer I've decided I want to be closer to that age range when I plant in Ann Arbor. Which effects my plans between now and then. Since I'm working on a longer timeline I have other decisions to make. One of them is when I move to Louisville do I only go for my M.A. or should take the time to get my M. Div.? Or do I even go to Louisville? I'm thinking about going to Army OCS (officer cadet school) after I graduate from Ball State and taking seminary classes online while I'm in. Or I could graduate from SBTS and plant one or two other churches before I plant in Ann Arbor.
Those are the primary trains of thought running through my mind right now. If anybody has any thoughts on any of this I'm all ears.
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