I'm reading 1st and 2nd Timothy right now and when I get done I think I'm going to go back through and read them a few more times. In them Paul is writing to a young pastor and giving him instructions on how to lead the church Timothy was pastoring. It's full of practical insights on how to lead a church and as someone who hopes to that some day I've found it helpful, encouraging and a little bit scary. I also enjoy the personal aspect of it as well, you can tell this was someone Paul loved a great deal.
Acts 29 had this posted on their web site and it just grabbed my heart.:
I received the greatest letter this week from a seven-year-old boy along with 5 one-dollar bills. In his own handwriting he said,
“Dear Acts 29,
My name is Ravi [deleted last name for privacy].
I am 7 years old.
I want to help plant a church.
God Bless You,
This thrills me because of his heart for Jesus and His work through faithful church planters and those with child-like faith.
I don’t want to make this a gimmick, but for anyone who wants to match Ravi’s $5 donation to help plant a church, send $5 to
Acts 29 Network Ravi Matching Fund
3524 NE 95th St Seattle, WA 98115
Can we receive a boy’s five loaves and two fish and feed five thousand? Any funds received will be sent to a church plant in Dallas, Georgia that is launching in September.
Thank you Ravi, for your gift and inspiration!
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