“Give me something to believe, ‘cause I’m living just to breathe.” – The Bravery, Something to believe
I had my class on biological anthropology today and every time I sit in that class I’m always struck by how depressing evolution is. Why would anyone want to believe that we’re pure chance, that we’re some cosmic accident that took millions of years of trial and error? If we’re all some freak occurrence then why care about people in Darfur? I mean, it’s all just survival of the fittest isn’t it? If their climate dictates that they don’t survive why should anyone care? It’s less competition for the rest of us, so why do we have this innate desire to care for the abused, displaced, and helpless? Wouldn’t evolution encourage us to be as self-centered as we can?
Or, is it possible that we were put here ON purpose, FOR a purpose. Does it really take any more faith to believe that the reason we care about people is because we were designed to care by a God who cares? Maybe I’m naïve, simple, and just plain stupid but it seems to me that all these things that scientists can’t explain could be very easily understood if they simply acknowledged the existence of a Creator who made the entire world for His enjoyment and glory. That He put the human race here because He wanted to, because He wanted to share the beauty and grander of His creation with us that we, in turn, would marvel and delight in Him.
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15 years ago
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