As of today I've lived in Denver for a week so it seems like a good time for new post. :)
The drive out was pretty uneventful until about 5 miles from our exit when we got stuck in a nasty hail storm. Chris took some pictures during the storm and there's so much hail on the ground that it looks like we drove through a blizzard. ( There was another storm that rolled through that had a little hail in it on Sunday, but nothing close to what we encountered.) After the four of us (Chris, Sara, Jimmy, and myself) got done lugging everything up to my apartment we spent the evening on the 16th street mall, including dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. Which I loved solely for the fact they had entire wall dedicated to The Clash, including one of Mick Jones' guitars.
Friday we all went to Denny's to celebrate Jimmy's 18th birthday and then Chris and Sara went to see the house Chris used to live in and the hospital where he was born. Jimmy and I ran some errands and drove around town so I could show him some things around town. (Parks, the campus, the room where High View meets, etc.) That afternoon the toilet overflowed so we had to run out and get a mop and some bleach. (It turned into an adventure that took longer then it should have, but it was great for making memories.) Not long after we got that all cleaned up Brad, the Lead Pastor at High View, came over to say hi and meet everybody. We tried to talk him into coming to the art district with us for "First Fridays" but didn't have any luck. The art district was awesome, I really wish we would have had more time too look around and really enjoy it but Jimmy and I had to get up at 3:30 a.m. so he could make his flight and Chris and Sara had to start the 1,000+ mile drive back too Indiana in the morning so we had to cut our time there short.
Saturday morning sucked. There's no two ways about it. The three previous days had essentially been a road trip with my three best friends but now reality was setting in and they were all headed back to Indiana and I wasn't. It took everything in me not too cry when I hugged them good-bye. I spent the rest of Saturday unpacking, grocery shopping, and enjoying the fact that for the first time in my life I have a kitchen, bathroom, and living room all to myself. (I've had my own bedroom since I was a kid, so that wasn't very exciting. Actually it's the only thing I wish I was sharing. lol ) :)
Sunday I went to High View and once again got "roped" into being the greeter. (For those of you who don't know, when I visited in July I ended being a greeter that day also.) I really love my new church home and can't wait to watch, and be a part of, what God does through us. The rest of Sunday was pretty uneventful. We had another storm blow through, with smaller hail this time but not much else happened until Tuesday.
On Tuesday I had dinner with Brad at Brothers BBQ, which may be my new favorite restaurant, mostly because they played three Oasis songs while we where there. Playing/knowing Oasis will always get you on my good side. (Not that it's hard too get on my good side, it just expedites the process.) :) Brad and talked and hung out for awhile and then I signed my membership covenant which makes me member family number 3 at High View. (The joys of attending a church plant.) After we were full and had talked theology, church planting, and sports to our hearts content (Okay, so that probably isn't possible for either of us) we drove to the other side of town for community group. We studied James 3:13-18 which was part of Brad's sermon on Sunday and worked our way through some discussion questions and hung out for awhile afterwords.
Wednesday, yesterday, I bought my books for the upcoming semester and attended the new comers orientation, where I learned some interesting facts about Denver, like that Colfax Ave. is the longest continuous street in the country, but didn't learn anything new about the school. I didn't really expect too get any new information but it never hurts too check.
All that brings me to today. I woke up this morning and decided that a week of sleeping on the floor was all my back could take so I drove to Wal-Mart and bought an air mattress. I also purchased a Verizon Wireless broadband internet plan so I can live in the 21st century again.
Tomorrow should be a day to rest and relax and then Saturday and Sunday I have my first drill weekend before starting classes on Monday.
Thank you all for your prayers, I'll try my best to post stuff here on a regular basis.
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