I signed my paperwork today and was officially sworn in as a member of the Colorado Air National Guard (ANG) at 4:00 p.m. MST. I was supposed to look at an apartment this afternoon as well but there was an accident in front of it just a few minutes before I got there that shut down the street so the property manager is supposed to call me back later and reschedule the appointment.
I've had to do a lot of parallel parking since I got here which I find humorous since my driver's ed instructor said we'd never need to do it so there was no point in teaching it. Now I live in a city where it's the official pastime. Getting you car into a spot in one take is a source of pride, and the smaller the space was the better you feel about it. I'm getting pretty good at it, I'm thinking about going pro soon. :)
Tomorrow is going to be full of taking care of a wide variety of things at CU Denver. Setting up my class schedule, getting my status changed to being a Colorado resident, getting the G.I. Bill taken care of and probably a few other things that will pop up over the course of the day.
That's all of today's highlights, more tomorrow. :)
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