I really want to write something but I can't formulate enough a strong enough idea that I think will hold out for one whole post so I think this is going to end up being fragmented between several different streams of thought.
Iran: I really wish more of the prominent voices in the evangelical Christian world would speak up on what's going on over there. An Islamic nation is in the midst of turmoil and protests that could open the doors (albeit, very briefly) for Christian organizations to come in and provide aid and (hopefully) The Gospel depending on the outcome of current events there. I've seen more Tweets from most Christian leaders the past week on the new iphone and iphone apps then I have on praying for Iran. (In fact, I don't think I've seen any regarding Iran.) If we want people to believe us when we say we genuinely care about the world around us, we need to take advantage of the opportunities we're provided.
Jesus and Sexuality: I've been thinking a lot about how The Gospel relates to our sexuality as well as how we should respond to sexual sin. (Fornication, homosexuality, adultery, etc.) If anybody has any thoughts or questions I'd love to hear them.
On a more personal note I'm having a hard time getting a hold of the Air National Guard person in Indiana I'm supposed to talk to. It would be nice if I could sign the paperwork soon, but I need to talk to him for that to happen so if you could pray about that I'd appreciate it.
Turning in for the night now, hope something in all that made sense.
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