So it turns out I was slightly off in my calculations on tuition for UNT (What? Me, bad with numbers? Noooooooo........) :) Right now I'm working on various and sundry new "it" plans and right now it looks like Dallas Christian College's adult education program may be a good fit. Assuming I can find a job in the DFW area. I'm getting ready to write The Village to see if they can help me locate a job in the metroplex somewhere. Obviously I'd like this too all work out and be the end of my drama for the time being. Of course I know God is not surprised by any of this and is guiding my steps in exactly the direction that He had planned for me long before I was born so please pray that if this is God's will everything would work out soon and if not that it would be clear what I'm supposed to do next.
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15 years ago
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