I've decided what to do with myself for the next two years. In January I'm going to move on campus at Ball State (Go Cards!) and finish my B.A. in History. Lord willing assuming everything goes the way it should, (Emphasis on SHOULD) I'll graduate ether in the fall of 2009 or spring of 2010. After that I get to try and figure out what do next. (again) I have some ideas but two years is a long time which means almost everything will have changed by then so we'll just see what happens.
Also I moved back in with mom and dad this past week because, well it's a long story but the bottom line is I had to go somewhere and they were the best option.
Which is why I'm sitting in Panera typing this. Besides the fact that it's a good excuse to get a blueberry scone. Who thought up the word "scone" all it really is is a triangle shaped biscuit. But anybody who knows anything about marketing knows the name triangle shaped biscuit just isn't going to sell, so we have scone. (It just sounds British doesn't it? I swear I'd break out in an accent right now, except I'm drinking Pepsi with it which is probably my saving grace.) Yes boys and girls, Pepsi and blueberry scones, the breakfast of champions. lol :)
Well I should probably get a move on, I still have things to do today, ciao.
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