You have to love our government; I got a letter today from the IRS saying that their records show that I served in a combat zone. I haven’t been in a combat zone (Korea) since 2003; I think they might be just a little bit late on this one. :)
We celebrated the Lord’s Supper yesterday at church and that got me thinking about the differences between the Old and New Testaments and what Jesus’ death on the cross accomplished. In the Old Testament the blood of the sacrifices’ could only wash the outside, but during communion we symbolically drink Jesus blood showing that his sacrifice did something the Old Testament sacrifices could never do, He cleanses our inside. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection allowed for our lives to be freed from the grip of Satan, Hell, and death; something no animal sacrifice could ever achieve. I know this isn’t a groundbreaking revelation but as I sat there with the grape juice in my hand yesterday it just hit me in a very strong way and made me appreciate my salvation and what an amazing, supernatural act Jesus’ sacrifice is.
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