I got home this morning while it was still dark out, there was a beautiful clear sky and as I looked up into it I couldn't help thinking of those shepherds thousands of years ago. Can you imagine what that must have been like? You're lying there watching your sheep graze in the same pastures your ancestors have been using for generations and then all of the sudden…….., BAM!!! An angel shows up out of nowhere. It doesn’t say how big the angel was so it could have been huge, imagine something the size of the Sears building popping up out of thin air. No wonder they were scared, who wouldn’t be? And then to be told the greatest message ever shared with mankind, you, a lowly shepherd the first to be told of the birth of your country’s long awaited Savior. Not only your nations Savior but the One who came to save the entire human race from sin, death, and eternal torment in Hell, there’s nothing in the world that could prepare you for that moment. Two thousand years later there’s still nothing that compares to the moment you come face to face with Jesus and His Gospel of grace. So as we celebrate the baby in the manger let’s not forget that it was the life, death, and resurrection that followed that makes it a moment worth making much of.
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15 years ago